Tsang: People has overly high expectations of a Chief Executive

Speaking at a [Ho Rih Hwa Leadership in Asia Public Lecture Series] lecture at Singapore Management University, Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald…

Donald Tsang calls for Asia to explore single currency regime

Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang calls on Asia to look at the prospect of establishing an Asian currency regime.

In brief

Speaking at the SMU's Ho Rih Hwa Leadership in Asia Public Lecture Series, Hong Kong's Chief Executive Donald Tsang called for greater regional co-…

Tsang urges deepening of East Asian financial integration

Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang delivered a speech at the Singapore Management University after attending the APEC Summit. He stressed that…

One for the future

The prospect of an Asian currency regime as one of the building blocks of the global currency system may need to be explored in the future, says Hong…

Hong Kong and Singapore can together build a successful Asian century

Speaking at the SMU Ho Rih Hwa Leadership in Asia Public Lecture Series, Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang says n o Asian economy can do it on…

HK Chief Executive urges economies to jointly time their stimulus withdrawal

Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang spoke at the Ho Rih Hwa lecture organised by the Singapore Management University.

Learning business tools in school

SMU information systems management undergraduates with a second major in Business Intelligence & Analytics can work across multiple families of…

Taking virtual trading to the masses through Fame

Damon Widjaja and Keith Ng, alumni from SMU's School of Information Systems, share how they got their company Swoozh going and launched their virtual…

Hu-Tsang meeting

Before he leaves Singapore, Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang will deliver a lecture at the Singapore Management University.