Law programme for junior college students

The Law Society organised its first Junior College Law ProMind.Body.Spirit gramme ? sponsored by the law schools of NUS and SMU, and Ministry of Law…

SMU founding don seconded to head new SIT

One of the founding academic members of the Singapore Management University, deputy president Tan Chin Tiong, has been seconded to head the new…

Saved but for how long?

A furore broke out recently over reports that wet markets might be turned into supermarkets. Singapore Management University law lecturer Eugene Tan…

Nation-building in an age of economic anxiety

SMU Assistant Law Prof Eugene Tan writes that the Economic Strategies Committee should take a broader view in its bid to restructure the economy and…

Too much time online hurts your grades: polls

Practice Assistant Professor Michael Netzley, who lectures on corporate communication at the Singapore Management University called on parents and…

Understanding indices

Commenting on Singapore ranking top in the Potential Net Migration Index, Assistant Professor Eugene Tan said that those with high rankings tend to…

The Straits Times, Urban

Organised by the Peranakan Association, Babazaar at Singapore Management University's concourse promises an authentic Peranakan experience this…

Customer satisfaction is new target

Minister in the Prime Minister's Office, Mr Lim Swee Say declared that customer satisfaction is the new target for Go the Extra Mile (Gems) movement…

Pay of some political appointees, top civil servants falls 15-22%; tweaks deferred again

Commenting on the news from the Public Service Division, SMU law academic Eugene Tan says it shows the government is ?walking the talk?.

Service sector needs to be more competitive

Minister Lim Swee Say made reference to SMU's Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore, commenting that even as service quality has improved,…