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Stop whining and start serving the customer

For the second year in a row since it was developed by the Singapore Management University's Institute of Service Excellence (ISES), Singapore's…

'More curbs if needed'

Associate Professor Annie Koh, dean of executive and professional education at SMU said that the government should watch how much of the real estate…

Mentoring programme to help PMET jobseekers launched

The Northeast Community Development Council has launched its first ever mentoring programme to help professionals, managers, executives and…

A web of love choices?

The Social Development Network is the latest National effort to match make singles. YouthInk writer Kenny Tan, a final year economics student from…

Acceptance of Singapore scholarship starts Nov. 16

Starting Nov. 16, the Singapore Embassy will be accepting scholarship applications for school year 2010-2011. This undergraduate scholarship offered…

Leading the way

SMU Associate Professor Annie Koh, Dean of Executive and Professional Education, sees the need for Singapore to strengthen the quality of our human…

Tan Chin Tiong appointed President of Singapore Institute of Applied Technology

Former Deputy President of SMU Professor Tan Chin Tiong will be the Founding President of the new Singapore Institute of Applied Technology.

Speculative bubble in property market a risk, says MAS

Dean of executive and professional education Associate Professor Annie Koh said that the government should watch how much of the real estate sector…

Found in translation

SMU Assoc Prof Kirpal Singh, who was a moderator at the 13th biennial Singapore Writers' Festival, says Southeast Asia should start to look at itself…

Playing for real in a simulation

Alex Goh, fourth-year finance undergraduate at SMU, writes about the stock-market trading simulation competition and how coming out tops was an…