Time to wise up to your money plans
SMU Senior Lecturer of finance Ang Ser Keng was among a panel of speakers at a recent Securities Investors Association of Singapore (Sias) event,…
Who says HK and Singapore can't co-operate?
Donald Tsang, who spoke at SMU's Ho Rih Hwa Leadership in Asia Public Lecture Series, said Asia would not prosper if major financial centres such as…
Key word for APEC is ?growth?
Henry Gao, Associate Professor of Law at SMU and a consultant to the World Trade Organisation, discusses ?Balanced Growth', ?Inclusive Growth' and ?…
Burnaby student wins grand prize
Final-year business management student Lawrence Kim finished third in The Global Student Entrepreneur Awards for his marine inspection company…
The raging debate over CPF life
The fluctuation of the fund's payout hinges on interest rates and the mortality rate, according to Benedict Koh, director of the MSc in Applied…
Lessons for Asia
Hong Kong Chief Executive Donald Tsang, spoke at the SMU Ho Rih Hwa Leadership in Asia Public Lecture Series, touching on topics related to the…
Running a family business is a tricky affair
Family firms are complex institutions, forcing owners to juggle the usual demands of business with the emotions that always arise when the boss' own…
University uses history to interest students in Mandarin
In the last academic year, SMU started a course on Chinese History, Culture, Economy and Law, which is taught in Mandarin, for students outside the…
Ho Rih Hwa Leadership in Asia Public Lecture Series
Mr Donald Tsang, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, gave a talk on The Financial…
Curbing the rise of the hero-CEO
Mr Ho Kwon Ping, Chairman, SMU Board of Trustees, cautioned in a commentary of the danger of the hero-CEO cult in corroding the spirit of…