SMU is four-time champion in Singapore HR Challenge

SMU’s team – The Amazing Life – did the University proud (again!) by coming in first in the Singapore HR Challenge 2013.  This is SMU’s fourth win in…

Nobel Laureate F.W. de Klerk on the dilemmas of leadership

“History is often made,” said SMU Chairman Mr Ho Kwon Ping, “by having the right person, in the right place at the right time. This was exactly the…

The importance of good service

Director of the Institute of Service Excellence at SMU, Ms Caroline Lim shared the key results of the recent Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore…

BuzzCity improves techniques to increase effectiveness of click fraud detection

BuzzCity, the global mobile advertising network, has announced findings which will help combat the on-going issue of click fraud in the mobile…

BuzzCity looks to boost effectiveness of click fraud detection

The team at mobile ad network BuzzCity has announced findings of recent research efforts designed to help combat the on-going issue of click fraud in…

BuzzCity works with students to tackle click fraud

BuzzCity has been working with SMU and NUS to improve its ability to identify and manage click fraud.  In a series of crowd-sourcing and development…

The importance of good service

Director of the Institute of Service Excellence at SMU, Ms Caroline Lim shared the key results of the recent Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore…

First regional institute focusing on family businesses launched at SMU

Family businesses in Asia and in the west – are there different challenges that they face?  What are some useful lessons that we can draw from these…

A resident: Changing of Town Council management is a waste of resources; Town Councils should decouple with political parties and become public organisations?

SMU Assistant Professor of Law Eugene Tan said the Ministry of National Development may wish to establish a set of guidelines for the succeeding Town…

More customer satisfaction at polyclinics

Polyclinics have been quietly transforming from the inside out - by getting their staff to learn how to care for patients better. According to the…