Analysts laud comprehensive “people’s budget”

SMU Professor of Accounting Sum Yee Loong was one of an esteemed group of panellists at the Singapore Business Review’s Singapore Budget Breakfast…

Current Asia hires Robert Yap to push "boardroom" goals

Current Asia CEO David Ketchum has hired Robert Yap Min Choy as chairman to drive partnerships with businesses, governments and industry stakeholders…

Tax experts: Government changes focus from taxes to subsidies for SMEs

SMU Professor of Accounting Sum Yee Loong was of the opinion that increasing the personal income tax of high-income earners will not affect Singapore…

Experts: Income tax increase will not compromise competitiveness

Regarding the increase in personal income tax for top earners in Singapore, Associate Dean (Faculty Research) of the SMU School of Economics,…

Experts: Budget eases burdens of “sandwiched” class with benefits for young and old

Commenting on the various measures in Budget 2015 which are expected to ease the burdens of the middle class in Singapore, SMU Vice President (…

NTU converting half of courses to online format

At the two-day Higher Education Planning in Asia Forum held by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology at the SMU, starting from March 23…

On the other side of the hill

In a commentary, SMU Adjunct Professor Joergen Oerstroem Moeller referred to a recent British report which suggested that the West had been sleeping…

List of UK law schools recognised for admission to Singapore Bar narrows

The Singapore Institute of Legal Education Overseas Scheduled Universities (OSU) Review Committee – comprising representatives nominated by the…

Responses to Budget 2015 – CPF

SMU School of Economics Associate Dean (Faculty Research) and Professor of Economics Hoon Hian Teck noted that the raising of CPF contribution rates…

Team ‘Prettify’ to represent Singapore in the finals of Facebook Hackathon 2015

Team 'Prettify', comprising Xu Mengxiang who is pursuing his Masters at the SMU School of Information Systems, Ravi Chandak, and Lim Zheng Hong,…