NUS, NTU, SMU graduates saw higher starting salaries in 2014

The Joint Graduate Employment Survey 2014 conducted by SMU, NUS and NTU on 10,126 out of 13,656 full-time fresh graduates from the three universities…

Higher salaries for graduates from Class of 2014: Survey

In a joint news release on February 27, the latest Joint Graduate Employment Survey, conducted on 10,126 out of 13,656 full-time fresh graduates from…

After productivity push, 'firms must innovate'

At a post-Budget forum organised by the Economic Society of Singapore on February 25, SMU Professor of Quantitative Finance and Director of the Sim…

Bringing transparency to financial reporting

SMU School of Accountancy (SoA) Associate Dean (Research) and Professor of Accounting Cheng Qiang and SMU Assistant Professor of Accounting Holly…

Humble leaders

In an editorial on leader humility, SMU Professor of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources Gary J. Greguras was interviewed regarding his…

Letting cities develop naturally

In an editorial on spatial economics, SMU Assistant Professor of Economics Hsu Wen-Tai was featured for his recent development of a growth model…

The importance of internal controls

In an editorial on the internal controls to corporate organisations, SMU Associate Professor of Accounting Goh Beng Wee was featured for his studies…

The ins and outs of constitutional review

An editorial on constitutions featured SMU Assistant Professor of Law Maartje de Visser, who studies the various ways that countries approach the…

David Lee: Budget focuses on encouraging innovation and building the future

At a post-Budget forum organised by the Economic Society of Singapore on February 25, SMU Professor of Quantitative Finance and Director of the Sim…

Budget focuses on encouraging innovation and building the future

At a post-Budget forum organised by the Economic Society of Singapore on February 25, SMU Professor of Quantitative Finance and Director of the Sim…