Peeling away S'pore's class layers

SMU Associate Professor of Law and former Nominated Member of Parliament Eugene Tan was quoted in this special feature on the distinctions between…

SMU in top moot court contest for 3rd time

For the third year running, SMU will represent Singapore at the world's largest moot court contest. Five students from SMU's law school beat the team…

Team ‘Prettify’ to represent Singapore in the finals of Facebook Hackathon 2015

Team 'Prettify', comprising Xu Mengxiang who is pursuing his Masters at the SMU School of Information Systems, Ravi Chandak, and Lim Zheng Hong,…

Learning for the ages

In a commentary, SMU Vice President (Business Development) and Associate Professor of Finance Annie Koh noted that SkillsFuture would be “a clear,…

Has the trust bubble burst?

SMU Associate Professor of Law and former legislator Eugene Tan commented on the continuing drop in the level of confidence in the government,…

Is HR analytics the next big thing?

In a commentary, SMU School of Information Systems final-year student Joey Zeng Ying, with a second major in Organisational Behaviour and Human…

Budget 2015 could see tweaks to CPF system

SMU Vice President (Business Development) and Associate Professor of Finance Annie Koh gave her views on the boosting of Central Provident Fund (CPF…

Stingrays avenge loss to win Super League

SMU student Parveen Nair was shortlisted as part of the 17-member Southeast Asian Games national squad. The squad will eventually be trimmed to 12…

Budget: More needed for sandwiched class

In a joint commentary, SMU Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan suggested three ways to help the sandwiched-class Singaporeans in the upcoming…

Creating a “safe space”

In his lecture “The next 50 years of Singapore”, Chairman of the SMU Board of Trustees and Executive Chairman of Banyan Tree Holdings Mr Ho Kwon Ping…