Beefed up manpower to handle large crowds of people paying respects to Mr Lee Kuan Yew; Ng Eng Hen: SAF mobilised twice as much manpower as planned

SMU Behavioural Sciences Institute Director Professor David Chan was quoted on his commentary published in the Straits Times which discussed the…

Scrapping PSLE?

Journalist Law Chia Keng wrote about the Handbook on Inequality, Poverty and Unmet Social Needs in Singapore that was published by SMU’s Lien Centre…

Good performance in finance and insurance, and healthcare sectors; record high for Customer Satisfaction Index in 2014

On April 2, the Institute of Service Excellence at SMU (ISES) released the results of the 2014 Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore (CSISG),…

On high ground with mum

SMU business management graduate Michelle Sng’s high jump career began in Secondary 1 when she volunteered to represent her class for her school’s…

SMU delivers diverse, unique talents sought after by employers

Since its inception, SMU has been widely recognized for its pioneering pedagogy and multidisciplinary approach to learning. Its success is reflected…

What do bank consumers want?

In his weekly commentary, SMU adjunct professor Larry Haverkamp wrote about the considerations of consumers in choosing consumer banks. These include…

SMU elevates learning with global city campus and vibrant student life

SMU’s campus and facilities are designed to encourage critical thinking, leadership, innovation and communication, making it a fertile ground for…

Satisfaction level among consumers the highest but fell across five sectors

According to the Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore (CSISG) by the Institute of Service Excellence at SMU, the satisfaction level of customers…

Customer satisfaction levels hit new high

The Institute of Service Excellence at SMU (ISES) found that the overall customer satisfaction levels hit a new high in 2014, rising 0.6 per cent to…

Singapore practice: How to break talent bottleneck

SMU Associate Professor of Quantitative Finance (Practice) and former Director of MAS Academy, Pei Sai Fan shared the developmental experience of how…