Dedication to human rights in Asia

Assistant Professor Mahdev Mohan was named an Honoree of the 2009 The Outstanding Young Person of the Year (TOYP). Inspired by the people he met and…

Business Growth

SMU Associate Professor Adel Dimian, who was a corporate executive for some 20 years before his academic career, elaborates on eight ways a company…

APEC Voices of the Future 2009 Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony of the APEC Voices of the Future 2009 was held at SMU on 10 November 2009.

Making a difference

SMU undergraduate Ashley Liew, who is part of the Student Volunteer Corps (SVC), an organisation that promotes student volunteerism among youths,…

In conversation with Jet Li

Held at the Singapore Management University, Mr Jet Li, founder of One Foundation, shares with the youth on their role in promoting a philanthropic…

Blame it on Canada

SMU graduate Rachel Chua writes about her experience working overseas. Since graduating in 2004, she has worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers in…

Ageism at the office

Assistant Professor of Law Eugene Tan writes about why age-based wage and CPF cuts are discriminatory.

Outlook for global hedge funds positive

The outlook for hedge funds appears rosy with US pension funds likely to drive growth. Observers say the challenge for the industry is how…

Kynikos’s Chanos Says Galleon Case Unlikely to Be a ‘Pattern’

Director of the Centre, Assoc Prof Melvyn Teo says long-term investors, such as US pension funds, are expected to drive the hedge fund sector.

To snip, ban, hold the line or open up further?

SMU assistant professor of law Eugene Tan argues that, given the various avenues available for people to easily circumvent censorship restrictions,…