The future of manufacturing
SMU Associate Professor of Finance and Vice President, Business Development & External Relations Annie Koh commented on the future of Singapore's…
Personal wealth: Manulife ups the ante in wealth management offerings
According to the Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore 2011 conducted by the Institute of Service Excellence @ SMU (ISES), Manulife was top in the…
The New Silk Road vision is a key element of a long-term strategy for Afghanistan
During a major speech at SMU on 24 November, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reiterated that the New Silk Road vision, aimed at developing a…
S'pore data protection law should include govt
On Singapore's Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) which will be in force from January 2013, SMU Assistant Professor of Law Warren Chik noted that t…
Enough HDB flats to meet rising demand: Khaw Boon Wan
Participants discussed the values that are important to Singapore, among other topics, d uring an "Our Singapore Conversation" dialogue session. In…
China's new leadership: What does the next decade hold for the Asian giant?
Prof James Tang, Dean of the School of Social Sciences, discussed the new leadership of the Chinese Communist Party under Xi Jinping. Also on the…
China’s new leadership: What does the next decade hold for the Asian giant?
Prof James Tang, Dean of the School of Social Sciences, discussed the new leadership of the Chinese Communist Party under Xi Jinping. Also on the…
“Siew Sar Loh Hor Liao”
Liu Jia Ming saw a Haiku written by a student from CHIJ St Nicholas Girls School during his visit to the Singapore Writer's Festival held in SMU, and…
Emphasise on US's foreign policy strategy rather than warfare
Ding Dong gave his views on US foreign policy in response to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's speech held at SMU on 17 November.
Hillary's “turnaround”
Journalist Ting Kheng Siong spoke about his experience during his assignment in covering US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's speech at SMU.