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Recommendation to establish a framework and a professional code of conduct

SMU Assistant Professor of Law and NMP Eugene Tan voiced his opposition towards the proposal that estate management be left to a centralised group…

Local youths light up hope for underprivileged women and children

SMU third-year student Gary Lee spoke about his experiences helping underprivileged girls in Meru, Kenya. Mr Lee, who is the founder of SMU Pendeza,…

Youth envoys to help curb binge drinking

At least 40 youths across five institutes of higher learning (IHLs) could be roped in by the Health Promotion Board (HPB) to tackle binge drinking…

It's all discipline and dedication

For SMU student Vincent Lee Wen Jie, what started from an uncle's introduction to a foreign exchange trading programme turned quickly into 18-hour…

Ensuring a higher degree payoff

The opening up of university places may lead to a glut of graduates, especially during times when the job market is unable to absorb them all. Degree…

Knowing CPF, CPF Life and retirement

SMU adjunct faculty member and instructor in the Citi-SMU Financial Literacy Programme for Young Adults, Larry Haverkamp outlined CPF schemes and…

Bold and beautiful

In Singapore, women seem to be reasonably comfortable with their looks, according to Dove's Internet survey of 300 women here. Results show that 2…

A new chapter of “The Singapore Model”, Chinese officials come to Singapore to learn how to ensure liveability in the city upgrading process

In the past 20 years, many Chinese officials have come to Singapore to participate in short-term and long-term courses to learn how Singapore…

Taking a U-turn is not the only way to solve the problem

In a commentary by reporter Ho Sheo Be on the issue of whether to politicise the management of town councils, she noted that SMU Assistant Professor…

Accurate data will dictate success

At the SMU Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics' annual conference on financial economics last week, Distinguished Fellow at the SMU Centre…