The opening up of university places may lead to a glut of graduates, especially during times when the job market is unable to absorb them all. Degree hopefuls should note that not all degrees are created equal. Employers, including the civil service, also make a distinction between graduates from the publicly-funded universities and those who attain their degrees through the private schools. This means quality is as important as quantity. As the number of graduates goes up, universities should pay equal attention to innovation and cultivating in students an X factor. Take, for example, the SMU, which models itself after American colleges. After its first batch of students graduated in 2004, employers noted the "SMU difference", and found its graduates were confident, mature and had good communication skills. Turning out graduates who are adaptable, with premium skills relevant to industry, is a must, to ensure a university degree continues to pay off for Singaporeans.
The Straits Times
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