Teaching users about real world of finance

In a commentary, SMU Assistant Professor of Finance (Education) and Director of Citi-Foundation SMU Financial Literacy Programme for Young Adults…

Sustainability paves the way forward

The Business Family Insights column profiles business families and how they approach issues of governance and stewardship. They support the SMU…

Commentary: Inflation and Ukraine war make it challenging for our beloved value stores to survive

In a joint commentary, SMU Assistant Professor of Finance (Education) and Principal Investigator of DBS-SKBI Singapore Index of Inflation…

Singapore takes top spot for the third year in the Elite Quality Index

SMU has announced the 2022 Elite Quality Index, which measures the way in which elites globally contribute to the development of their societies.…

New lab to use AI in tackling national challenges

SMU and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star) have launched a laboratory that will apply artificial intelligence (AI) technology…

Using 'Patience Assets' and 'Intangible Assets' to establish a non-family talent pool for SMEs

In this commentary on how small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are competing with large enterprises for professional talents, SMU Assistant…

SMU and A*Star launch joint lab to support Singapore in meeting societal challenges

SMU and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star) have established a joint lab in Social and Human-Centred Computing using expertise…

SMU, A*Star launch lab that aims to tackle national issues using AI

SMU and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*Star) have established a joint lab in Social and Human-Centred Computing using expertise…

Do aspiring lawyers who cheat deserve a second chance?

In a commentary, SMU Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan discussed if aspiring lawyers who cheat deserve a second chance and how the recent debacle…

Needy students at SMU to get more financial help from new $3m scholarship

Needy students at SMU who are active in community outreach and show a strong academic track record can now tap a new $3 million scholarship. The JLFO…