Study: 20% of previously food-insecure families have turned food secure amidst the pandemic

The SMU Lien Centre for Social Innovation (LCSI) conducted a study last year, on households whose food security was affected by the COVID19 pandemic…

Survey: Satisfaction for finance services pick up, slight decline for insurance services

Customer satisfaction here with the finance sector has improved by 1.2 per cent year on year in the fourth quarter of last year to 74.8 points out of…

Bank customer satisfaction inches up, UOB scores highest: SMU study

Customer satisfaction here with the finance sector has improved by 1.2 per cent year on year in the fourth quarter of last year to 74.8 points out of…

SMU and professional company launch course on data protection and governance

SMU Academy and Straits Interactive announced a new Advanced Certificate in Data Governance Systems to address data governance issues exacerbated by…

Pieces fall into place

SMU student Kimberly Lim and her sailing partner Cecilia Low are nominees for the 2021 ST Athlete of the Year award. They won gold at the 2018 Asian…

New High Court judge, judicial commissioners appointed

Dean of the SMU Yong Pung How School of Law Professor Goh Yihan has been appointed as a new Judicial Commissioner (JC) of the Supreme Court, and he…

Study: Over 40% of households that faced food insecurity pre-pandemic better off now

A study this year has found that more than 40 percent of households in Singapore that were struggling to put food on the table pre-pandemic are in a…

These EcoFriends are adding new chapters to Singapore’s sustainability story

SMU student and environmental advocate Yasmin Sim added new chapters to her sustainability story during the pandemic, and has turned her attention to…

20% of previously food-insecure households became secure over the pandemic

A study this year has found that more than 40 per cent of households in Singapore that were struggling to put food on the table pre-pandemic are in a…

How SMEs can roar again in the Tiger year

In a commentary, SMU Professor of Communication Management (Education) Ong Siow Heng commented that the pandemic has unexpectedly transformed workers…