No new cases of H1N1 flu here

The Ministry of Health said there were no new cases of the H1N1 virus in Singapore were detected on Saturday. Of the 71 people who have been in close…

New Asian Emperors

Extract from New Asian Emperors: The Business Strategies of the Overseas Chinese, written by George T. Haley, Usha C.V. Haley and [SMU Deputy…

Three of five confirmed H1N1 cases discharged from CDC

Three of Singapore's five confirmed Influenza A (H1N1) flu cases were discharged from the Communicable Disease Centre (CDC) on Sunday. Meanwhile,…

A third eye indulges in the landscape

Interview with Dr Li Yuan on his landscape photographs. Dr Li will deliver a lecture for the Lien Fung Colloquium this Saturday, on nature as a…

119 home quarantine orders served in relation to H1N1 virus

To date, 119 H1N1 related home quarantine orders (HQO) have been issued by the Health Ministry. The ministry said a total of 38 HQOs were served…

Flu patients could go home next week

All four patients down with Influenza A (H1N1) here are doing well and will likely be discharged next week. Those who were in close contact with them…

Finding the right mix

As a reaction to the credit crunch in the US, a new retail phenomenon in the form of small businesses offering multi-concept spaces is coming out of…

No need for panic even with community outbreak of H1N1 flu

Health Minister Khaw Boon Wan expects the flu will spread but the more important thing is to monitor if the virus evolves as it is transmited.

The next general election promises to be more exciting

[Final-year SMU student] Blogger Ephraim Loy says in the eyes of most voters, the PAP is a party belonging to the elites, who may not fully…

Three more H1N1 cases in S'pore

Three more cases of Influenza A (H1N1) have been confirmed in Singapore. The first was a 22-year-old SMU undergraduate, and the other three…