800 people bare their soles for needy kids

Bare Your Sole 2009 ? Singapore 's first mass barefoot walk ? is organised by Habitat for Humanity, SMU and Victoria Junior College to aid needy…

Students, who continue to go to H1N1 affected areas, risk being infected. Students are worried, parents are concerned

One parent of a student studying at NUS wrote to the daily saying that as the university did not temporarily stop such trips, it was exposing…

The original little Nonya

In this review of Stella Kon's Emily of Emerald Hill , Singapore thespian [SMU Practice Assistant Professor of Theatre/Performance Studies] Margaret…

Overgrown Orchard

Practice Associate Professor Seshan Ramaswami commented that one big difference in Singapore is the big influx of foreigners here for short-term…

Grads exploit 'loophole' for discounts

SMU does not retract matriculation cards of students who have graduated as most like to have it as a keepsake.

Walking barefoot in aid of Sri Lankan children

Some 800 people gathered at Pasir Ris Park for the 5km walk to raise funds for poor Sri Lankan children. The event is organised by NGO Habitat for…

Excess stock 'not due to bad planning'

Assistant Professor Peter De Maeyer commented that retailers have to deal with the ?feed-forward loop? phenomenon which encourages consumers to…

The next 50 years ? How governance could evolve

For SMU Assistant Professor of Law Eugene Tan, what the recent Association of Women for Action and Research leadership tussle threw up was the fact…

The next 50 years ? Will Singaporeans be judged by a different yardstick?

SMU law academic Eugene Tan felt that ?to have national pride and success that stems primarily from economic prosperity would mean that we run the…

The next 50 years ? The key to growth in the years ahead: services

SMU economics don David Chor pointed out that it was questionable whether Singapore can sustain a real GDP growth rate of about 6.5 per cent over the…