Singapore's fifth H1N1 case ?took a chance'

A 22-year-old Singaporean became Singapore's fifth patient. The Health Ministry (MOH) said yesterday that three of the earlier four patients were…

Dynamic Dialogue

Associate Professor Annie Koh attended the Financial Women's Association (FWA) Luncheon, with Her Excellency Chan Heng Chee as guest speaker on the…

SMU should have exercised greater social responsibility

Reader says that strong support from the community is essential as well.

50 men we love

Dr Norman Li, Associate Professor of Psychology at SMU makes it to the magazine's list for his research which helps people understand themselves and…

Right steps in the green direction

600 participants gathered together at The Green Innovations, Our Future Together Symposium organised by the European Union Centre in Singapore…

It's not about the numbers

The first confirmed H1N1 patient, a 22-year-old Singapore Management University student, is now into the fifth day of Tamiflu treatment and is ?well…

Ask the manalysts

Dr Norman Li, Associate Professor of Psychology and a mating research specialist answers a reader's query on the behaviour of men.

Why flame Patient Zero? What else could she do?

Commentary calls for netizens and Singaporeans not to blame the SMU student and pointed out that SMU has clarified why the trip was essential. A poll…

Business study missions

SMU undergraduates visited Saudi Aramco in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia as part of their Business Study Mission to the Middle East.

No new cases of H1N1 flu here

The Ministry of Health said there were no new cases of the H1N1 virus in Singapore were detected on Saturday. Of the 71 people who have been in close…