From touchdown to isolation within hours

SMU student took the right precautions, by seeing the doctor quickly when flu symptoms appeared. Health minister Khaw Boon Wan told reporters that…

SMU student down with H1N1

By all accounts, Singapore's first H1N1 patient, an SMU undergraduate, could not have behaved more responsibly. She was believed to have had minimal…

Netizens flame first H1N1 victim

Various discussions on online forums have surfaced on the SMU undergraduate infected with the H1N1 virus.

Singaporeans calm despite cases

The first patient is still at CDC and is expected to be discharged in five days. She is in a stable condition. The boyfriend, and the other student…

12 SMU students in Canada have voluntarily gone for tests

Reportedly, the medical bills for these students amounted up to S$700. SMU will endeavour to help those students who have problems paying for their…

First case of H1N1 in Singapore

The confirmed case is a 22-year-old SMU student who returned from a Business Study Mission to New York on Tuesday.

SMU student is first H1N1 case in Singapore

Singapore has confirmed its first case of Influenza A (H1N1) in a 22-year-old SMU student, who was in New York as part of a school study mission…

Another North Korean Provocation

On North Korea's latest nuclear weapons tests, SMU Assistant Professor Paul Chang who researches Korean society analyses the motivations. SMU…

3 people in close contact with first H1N1 patient test negative for virus

Three people who were in close contact with Singapore's first H1N1 flu patient have cleared tests for the virus strain. The three who cleared H1N1…

She may have been infected four days before she boarded the plane

The student's condition is stable and she will be treated at the Communicable Diseases Centre for at least five days. Her boyfriend, who picked her…