Dramatic journey' ahead for Myanmar
Puvan Selvanathan, who chairs the UN Working Group on Human Rights and Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises yesterday applauded…
Mismatch? Mr Au versus the AGC
SMU Assistant Professor of Law and Nominated MP Eugene Tan commented on the Attorney-General's Chambers' (AGC) defence of the contempt of court law…
Singapore's four-billion dollar loan to IMF challenged in court
SMU Assistant Professor of Law and Nominated MP Eugene Tan was one of the speakers to share his views on an agreement by the Singapore High Court to…
Secondary students to get lessons on the law
Lessons on the law have made it into the curriculum of secondary schools here, in a move to create more awareness of legal issues that affect the…
Singapore: Identical in culture and close in geographical distance, cost is also lower than Europe and America
For Guangdong students and their parents, studying in Singapore has many benefits. Besides having identical culture, close proximity in terms of…
Singapore education ranks high in terms of cost effectiveness: Public University waives 80% of fees, Private University offers Degrees from Europe and America
Singapore is a choice destination for Chinese students as they can quickly adapt to the environment and also study at international institutions of…
Bringing legal knowledge to school campuses, 7,000 students to benefit from project
The Law Society of Singapore and the Rajah & Tann Foundation have jointly launched “Project Schools” to provide training to secondary school…
Off to London gunning for a personal best
SMU business undergraduate Gary Yeo will be competing in the heats of the Men's 100m at the 2012 Olympic Games in London on Aug 4 after a wild-card…
Embracing analytics for a better competitive edge
In the fortnightly series entitled 'Engage SMU profs', Associate Professor Kam Tin Seong of the School of Information Systems, addressed some…
Tougher challenges for Temasek ahead
ST reporter Alvin Foo wrote a commentary piece relating to the recent Temasek Review, which saw the Singapore investment firm's portfolio rise from $…