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“Not in my backyard” mentality versus an ideal community

SMU Assistant Law Professor and Nominated MP Eugene Tan commented that once the facilities were in place, relevant authorities should still…

PM Lee: Singapore's university education landscape will see more diversity

At the ground-breaking ceremony of Yale-NUS College, PM Lee Hsien Loong said that the college will add diversity to Singapore's higher education…

MAS mystery shoppers expose shoddy financial advisers

A recent mystery shopping survey by MAS had confirmed some misgivings about the financial industry: When it comes to providing customers with quality…

Findings of MAS financial advice survey 'disturbing'

According to a mystery shopping survey conducted by the MAS last year, nearly a third of customers looking for financial advice and products were…


BOOK PUBLICATIONS FROM SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS Financial Mathematics for Actuaries Professor Yiu Kuen Tse has just published a book…

Focus on controllables

Daniel Gould, a Professor and Director of the Michigan State University for the Study of Youth Sports, remarked that the goal of the Singapore Table…

Happening – gigs

The U Live Symposium 2012, to be held at SMU Administration Building, will provide opportunities for seniors to learn new skills, upgrade themselves…

Former radio deejay in copyright tussle with SPH

SMU Associate Professor of Law Saw Cheng Lim commented on the copyright tussle and said that SPH does have a case and can stake a copyright claim…

Temasek Spends More on Investments, Adds Energy Holdings

SMU Assistant Professor of Law and Nominated MP Eugene Tan commented on Temasek Holdings' investment spendings which included more energy and…

Striding to success

SMU Associate Professor of Marketing Seshan Ramaswami commented on LVMH's private equity arm buying over a stake in Charles & Keith, the…