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Daddy's boy

Speaking about his life story, TV host Pornsak described how he moved in with his schoolmates from Secondary 2 onwards and eventually moved into an…

Among 50 stories from Nathan's life: Love

Former Singapore president S R Nathan, who is Distinguished Senior Fellow of SMU School of Social Sciences, has dedicated his new book, 50 Stories…

Stepfather's struggles inspire pau-maker

The entrepreneurship programme, Youth Social Entrepreneurship Programme for Start-ups, offered by the Ministry of Social and Family Development (MSF…

$250k fund helps youth start social enterprises

Young Singaporeans aspiring to start up social enterprises can now do so with the help of a new Youth Social Entrepreneurship Programme for Start-Ups…

Hit your target net worth early

Not many students have a grown-up approach to investing, but SMU undergraduate Liyann Seet sees it differently. Ms Seet, 22, has personal finances…

Companies need to train more female executives

At an SMU Executive Panel Discussion called “Successful Leadership and Gender: A View from the C-suite”, speakers including Greater Pacific Capital…

Sunny sides up at Sentosa

On the redevelopment of Sentosa, SMU Lee Kong Chian School of Business Associate Professor of Marketing Seshan Ramaswami said that the island's…

MSF launches Youth Social Entrepreneurship Programme for Start-Ups

The Ministry of Social and Family Development has launched the Youth Social Entrepreneurship Programme (YSEP) for Start-Ups for youths between the…

Three organisations receive $80,000 to promote anti-trafficking activities

Singapore Inter-Agency Taskforce on Trafficking-in-Persons (TIP) will be funding initiatives totalling $80,000 this year. The initiatives included…

Academia: Meaningful ruling by the Court of Appeal explains PM’s right to call for a by-election

On 5 July 2013, the Court of Appeal ruled that the Prime Minister must call an election to fill a seat vacated by an elected Member of Parliament.…