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Foreign workers in our midst!

SMU Assistant Professor of Sociology Nicholas Harrigan shared his views on whether the migrant workers in Singapore are being treated fairly. He said…

Apple fixes iOS 7 after Singapore researchers identify flaws

Singapore researchers from SMU and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research’s Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) discovered three security…

How the International Community can help Myanmar

In a joint commentary, SMU School of Law's Asian Peace-building & Rule of Law Programme Research Manager Vani Sathisan, and Friends Committee on…

Biometric screening for more travellers at Woodlands

In a move to enhance security, all Singaporeans passing through the Woodlands Checkpoint by bus or on foot are now required to scan their thumbprints…

Playing the Medici trick to innovate

SMU Professor of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources (Education) Thomas Menkhoff wrote a commentary about the need for policymakers in…

A*Star, SMU researchers first to discover iOS security flaws

Researchers from the SMU School of Information Systems and the Infocomm Security Department at A*STAR’s Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) were…

Outlook for family businesses in Asia

SMU Vice President (Business Development and External Relations) and Academic Director of the Business Families Institute at SMU (BFI), Associate…

The SMU Story

In an extensive interview, SMU Provost and Deputy President (Academic Affairs), Professor Rajendra Srivastava spoke about his academic performance in…

Singapore aims to up cybersecurity with youth training, public awareness

Speaking at the opening of the GovernmentWare 2013 conference on Tuesday, Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Foreign…

Trust between the people and the government

SMU Behavioural Sciences Institute Director Professor David Chan was one of the panellists looking at issues of public trust. The questions addressed…