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Hot in the city with Samba Masala

At its 10th anniversary performance, it was clear that SMU's resident percussion group, Samba Masala, isn't just a bunch of kids happy to bang on…

A love for rubbish

As part of the SMU Library’s A Celebration of the Written Word Series, American journalist Adam Minter will visit SMU on Wednesday to talk about his…

Details of the Pioneer Generation Package to be announced next Friday

On the Pioneer Generation Package, SMU Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan was of the opinion that its scope was not broad enough as it seemed to…

No place for effigy burning

SMU Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan supported the stance that there is no place for effigy burning as a form of public protest in Singapore,…

SMU helping disabled students

SMU students with disabilities and special needs will receive greater support. SMU has pioneered the initiative to build a more inclusive culture and…

SMU builds campus that is friendlier towards physically-handicapped

SMU and the Society for the Physically Handicapped will jointly research and promote the best ways to build a barrier-free environment, so as to help…

SMU to make life easier for disabled students

As part of a memorandum of understanding signed on Friday, SMU will receive help from the Society for the Physically Disabled (SPD) to make life…

SMU improves support for students with disabilities

SMU students will soon have to take a new compulsory undergraduate course that includes topics on diversity and inclusion. A memorandum of…

SMU to work with Society for the Physically Disabled to help students with disabilities

SMU has started a new effort to build a more inclusive culture and reach out to students with disabilities – the first such endeavour among…

PM Lee directs Registration Officer to revise register of electors before March 31

SMU Associate Professor of Law and NMP Eugene Tan pointed out that it is important to revise the register of electors regularly, so that once there…