SMU students with disabilities and special needs will receive greater support. SMU has pioneered the initiative to build a more inclusive culture and has plans to roll out a new undergraduate course on diversity, global citizenship and cultural intelligence. SMU jointly organised a conference with the Society for the Physically Disabled (SPD) to discuss issues of inclusivity and diversity on Friday. The guest of honour at the conference was Minister of State for Education, and Communications and Information, Sim Ann, who commended SMU's efforts. Ms Sim said, “The Ministry of Education is also working on making the transition to higher education institutions for special needs students more seamless.” SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer said, “There is much to learn, and we are prepared to study, to consult with the experts, and to do our own homework. All deserving students and staff, regardless of their physical, social, economic and cultural attributes must be given opportunities.”
Berita Harian
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