SMU kickstarts green movement with gardening

SMU has launched its SMU Grow initiative which aims to transform the city campus into a city garden. SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer said…

SMU launches initiative to encourage gardening

SMU has launched the SMU Grow initiative with the opening of a new garden plot outside the School of Accountancy and School of Law building on…

Study says Philippines leads in philanthropy

According to a study conducted by SMU's Lien Centre for Social Innovation, the Philippines was cited as a Southeast Asian leader in modern-day…

SMU plants seeds for new urban farming movement

SMU launched its new SMU Grow initiative to encourage gardening and sustainable living on Tuesday morning, when it started a new garden plot outside…

Rethinking cross-border talent management

In a joint commentary with Tejpavan Singh Gandhok, a practitioner, academic and entrepreneur based in New Delhi, SMU Senior Lecturer of Strategic…

SMU launches Grow initiative: Other places in Singapore where urban farms can be found

A new urban farming project took root at the heart of the city on Tuesday morning as SMU launched its SMU Grow initiative. Staff and students at the…

Subsea vessel ops predicted to grow over coming years

In a commentary, SMU School of Economics graduate Chen Wei, who is also a researcher in the Singapore Office of Douglas-Westwood, noted that global…

McDonald's tops the fast-food field with record score

In the latest Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore (CSISG) jointly developed by the Institute of Service Excellence at SMU and the Singapore…

Keeping customers satisfied as the labour crunch bites

The latest Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore, jointly developed by the Institute of Service Excellence at SMU (ISES) and the Singapore…

Restaurants and hotels fall short on satisfying tourists

According to the Institute of Service Excellence at SMU (ISES), visitors to Singapore were far less satisfied with its food and tourism offerings in…