Survey: Room for improvement in family business governance standards

In its “Asian Business Families Governance: Crossing the Chasm for Inter-Generational Change” study, the SMU Business Families Institute (BFI@SMU)…

SMU to launch new IoT course in August 2015

For the new academic year starting August 2015, the SMU School of Information Systems (SIS) will introduce “Technology and Applications”, a new…

Singapore Management University (SMU) gets 1st woman Provost to join as second in command

On May 25, SMU appointed Professor Lily Kong as its new and first female Provost with effect from September 2015, as the University moves towards…

SMU snags NUS don, making her first woman provost here

From September, Professor Lily Kong will be appointed as SMU’s new Provost, making her the first woman provost of a publicly funded university in…

Prof Lily Kong to be Provost of SMU

SMU announced that it will have Professor Lily Kong as its new Provost from September 1. Prof Kong takes over from Professor Rajendra Srivastava, who…

SMU sets up centre to promote intellectual property research in Asia

SMU has set up the Applied Research Centre for Intellectual Assets and the Law in Asia (ARCIALA), which aims to raise awareness of and carry out…

Professor Lily Kong to become new SMU provost after 24 years of service in NUS

Professor Lily Kong, who has 24 years of experience in research and management in NUS and is currently the NUS Provost’s Chair Professor, will be…

SMU names senior NUS administrator as its next provost

On May 25, SMU announced the appointment of Professor Lily Kong as its new Provost beginning in September. Prof Kong is currently the Vice-Provost of…

SMU launches first intellectual property research centre in Asia

SMU has launched the region’s first intellectual property (IP) research centre with a focus on cross-disciplinary research and specialisation in Asia…

SMU appoints first female university provost

SMU has appointed Professor Lily Kong as its new Provost. Prof Kong, who is currently the Vice-Provost of academic personnel at NUS, will officially…