Shining a spotlight on Singapore's most vulnerable

SMU’s Lien Centre for Social Innovation (LCSI) recently launched a series of applied research initiatives to understand the challenges faced by…

Longevity in prosperity

SMU Vice-President (Office of Business Development) and SMU’s Business Families Institute (BFI@SMU) Academic Director Professor Annie Koh shared her…

Pact between Greece and its creditors deserves a chance

In a commentary, SMU Adjunct Faculty Joergen Oerstroem Moeller shared his views on the various opinions about Greece and whether it would eventually…

Inclusive orchestra makes its debut

Members of the SMU’s Chinese orchestra are part of the Purple Symphony, billed as Singapore's first inclusive orchestra. The Purple Symphony has 83…

Why having more women in corporate leadership is vital

The Asia Pacific Women's Forum in June was co-organised by SMU, AIG, Thomson Reuters and Marsh. The forum discussed the reasons why few women are…

Physical proximity

SMU Wee Kim Wee Centre Director and Associate Professor of English Literature Kirpal Singh commented on the effectiveness of social media in…

More can be done to encourage hiring of disabled people

According to the People with Physical Disabilities in Singapore study conducted by SMU’s Lien Centre for Social Innovation, it was found that factors…

Issues, candidates matter more than strategic timing advantage

In a commentary on the upcoming election and the possible dates it could be held on, SMU Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan said that instead of…

Coaxing the middling crowd

SMU Associate Professor of Law and former Nominated Member of Parliament Eugene Tan noted that “voters are less enamoured of political parties today…

Doing her bit for the needy abroad

SMU Lee Kong Chian School of Business undergraduate Manorama Singh was initially apprehensive about carrying out such overseas fund-raising projects…