Paralympian Yip Pin Xiu, Sakae Holdings chairman Douglas Foo among 9 new proposed NMPs

SMU alumna Paralympic swimmer Yip Pin Xiu is set to be the youngest person to take up the post of Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP) at the age of…

Why repeal v remain is a hot issue in Singapore

According to SMU Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan, the Section 377A issue has become “valorized as being the last frontier for both camps”. He…

Quality over quantity for investment options

In view of Singapore’s ageing population, retirement planning has always been a popular topic. The government has also introduced several measures to…

Disabled student studies law after not giving up despite three unsuccessful applications

Since young, SMU postgraduate student Ong Fung Yen suffered from cerebral palsy and has difficulty moving around. She found a passion for law during…

Study by Lien Centre for Social Innovation: 20% of those living in small housing do have food security

SMU’s Lien Centre for Social Innovation worked with 35 food support organisations in a first-of-its-kind study to understand their services and…

Commentary: Grab, the new ruler in town, and the paradox of scaling a business

In a commentary, Jonathan Chang, Executive Director, SMU’s Lien Centre for Social Innovation opined that Grab's experiences show that scaling a…

The Big Read: With a house still divided over 377A, time to seek common ground

SMU Chairman Mr Ho Kwon Ping, has also called Section 377A as “fundamentally untenable” for the government without enforcing it and questioned what…

Singapore Innovation Centre serves to promote Singapore-Sichuan collaboration, aims to take in 200 companies within two years

The Singapore Innovation Centre in the Singapore-Sichuan Hi-tech Innovation Park is a platform for Singapore enterprises to gain market access into…

Study examines issue of food insecurity in S'pore

SMU’s Lien Centre for Social Innovation worked with 35 food support organisations in a first-of-its-kind study to understand their services and…

How we should approach the debate on S377A

In a commentary, SMU Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan remarked that Section 377A is a sensitive marker and holds symbolic value for religious…