Saving the earth while helping needy women

SMU alumna Vanessa Paranjothy co-founded social start-up Freedom Cups with her two sisters in 2015. The start-up aims to distribute menstrual cups…

Iced Bovril with soda, anyone? Dealing with city heat in colonial Singapore

In a commentary, SMU Assistant Professor of Science, Technology and Society Fiona Williamson examined how people managed heat in the tropics in the…

Shanti wins 100m and 200m sprint event, qualifies for Philippines SEA Games

Second-year SMU Accountancy undergraduate and national sprinter Shanti Pereira banished her injury demons in style by winning the 100m and 200m…

Tech firms hiring varsity students to beat talent crunch

SMU student Ken Low, who had recently completed his studies this month, started working at a global fintech company – TransferWise – as a financial…

Shanti rediscovering best form

Second year SMU Accountancy undergraduate and national sprinter Shanti Pereira managed to clinch the 100m and 200m double at the Asean University…

SCDF rides on data to get ambulances to patients more quickly

Through a novel combination of machine learning, artificial intelligence and optimisation algorithms, SMU Associate Professor of Information Systems…

Likely trajectory of Fed policy far from settled

Principal Research Associate Thomas Lam and Director at SMU Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics David Fernandez believe that the December…

Rescuing marine lifeforms

SMU student Jerrie Liao leads the Reef Alert marine conservation project at SMU – where she is responsible for taking students on dive trips,…

Setting the scene for the new year

SMU Provost and Lee Kong Chian Chair Professor of Social Sciences Lily Kong shared her views on the outlook for 2019 and her hopes for promoting…

Lessons from two Smart Nations: Germany & Estonia

SMU Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources Thomas Menkhoff shared his insights on the areas of innovation and entrepreneurship…