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Markets often shrug at analysts' calls

A recent study of analyst recommendation changes showed that about 10% of changes had a significant effect on share prices and that one-quarter of…

Electric youth and the mobile generation

?The mobile phone has invaded several segments of my life because of the convenience it offers. But there is one aspect that has not changed. I still…

Big challenges for business schools in daunting times

The stiff competition among the three universities here (NUS, NTU and SMU) has resulted in many students adopting a narrow understanding of a…

Going against the grain of conventional wisdom in the establishment of universities, the 4th university will first set up a research centre

The National Research Foundation Chairman Dr Tony Tan says rather than follow in the footsteps of NUS, NTU or SMU, he hopes the fourth university…

Stock analysis, then and now

A separate, forthcoming study conducted by Assistant Professor Wang Rong of SMU, Ohad Kadan of Washington University of St. Louis, Leonardo Madureira…

Taking action today, while keeping an eye on tomorrow

With regards to the directions and steps that the Government outlined this week when its agenda was presented via President SR Nathan's Address at…

All over the shop

SMU Practice Associate Professor Raj Komaran says the retail situation in Singapore is no different from that in the US and UK where shoppers now…

Fresh thinking in leaders

President Nathan highlighted the need for inducting new leaders in touch with the new generation and bring with them fresh thinking and energy to set…

Marketing to customer networks: The new way to build your brand

Speaking at the BRITE Asia '09 conference held recently at SMU, David Rogers, executive director of Columbia Business School's Centre on Global Brand…

Wedding hongbao goes to charity

Having known what hardship is holding down part-time jobs while at university, two SMU alumni who tied the knot yesterday in a simple solemnisation…