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SMU welcomes 13th batch of students for academic year 2012

SMU welcomed its 13 th batch of freshmen at its Convocation Ceremony held at the Suntec Convention Halls on 15 August 2012. This year's intake of 1,…

Against the current

SMU freshman and Paralympic athlete Yip Pin Xiu will join an eight-man Singapore contingent bound for the London Paralympics from August 29 to…

Passion and sincerity the key to service excellence

Mr Irwin Tan from Bistro Du Vin and Ms Carolina Lee from The Scarlet both joined the service industry at entry level, but their dedication to their…

Improving audit quality still a major challenge: Minister

A new guidebook on accounting and productivity by CPA Australia and the SMU School of Accountancy states that, if productivity improvements are the…

Fresh grads expect higher starting salary, faster promotion: Survey

A total of 2,213 SMU, NUS and NTU graduates took part in an online poll conducted by job portal JobsCentral in April and May. Sixty-four per cent of…

More fresh graduates expect monthly pay of at least S$3,000

A majority of recent graduates expect to be paid S$3,000 or more a month for their first job, a survey showed. They also expect to get a promotion in…

Criticising employees: don't treat your staff as a venting tool

Associate Professor of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources Tan Hwee Hoon said: “Feedback is an essential component in the workplace, be it…

Faces that will go places

SMU undergraduate Aaron Ng was one of the ten new Singapore faces picked by The Straits Times Urban with the most potential. He said that the biggest…

Singapore a popular destination for overseas studies

Singapore, with its four public-funded universities in Singapore – NUS, NTU, SMU and SUTD – is a popular destination for overseas study by students…

Solving Asia's “creativity problem”

Professor of Organisational Behaviour & Human Resources Thomas Menkhoff commented that educators need to stimulate and reward curiosity,…