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PM Lee's NDR speech a break from the past: analysts

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's National Day Rally Speech on Sunday impressed political analysts and observers as being more heart-felt and less…

Under certain circumstances

Randolph Leow's stock investment philosophy reflects his personality. Not one to take on much risk, the 24-year-old SMU Lee Kong Chian School of…

SMU to host inaugural ASBF Connex to promote CSR in Africa

New feature event held in conjunction with the Africa Singapore Business Forum 2012Singapore, 27 August 2012 – Singapore Management University (SMU)…

4th cohort of SMU-BCA-WDA Productivity and Leadership Development Programme graduates

The programme has graduated over 100 senior management executives in the built environment industry from developers to consultants and builders to…

SMU to host inaugural ASBF Connex to promote CSR in Africa

Singapore, 27 August 2012 - Singapore Management University (SMU) will host the Africa Singapore Business Forum (ASBF) Connex, a new feature event to…

No fear for the future

SMU undergraduate and Paralympic swimmer Yip Pin Xiu will compete in the 50m and 100m freestyle (S3) at the London Paralympics 2012 on Friday. For…

Being kiasu isn't all bad, say experts

Singaporeans may see their society as kiasu – meaning afraid to lose out to others – but academics say the picture is not necessarily as gloomy as it…

N-Day Rally may focus on social issues

The National Day Rally this weekend could focus more on social issues rather than economic ones, according to observers whom The Business Times (BT)…

Time for grand narratives over

Two recent changes that spoke to SMU Assistant Professor of Law Mahdev Mohan were the setting up of a task force on human trafficking and changes to…

I believe in Singapore

Ahead of the Prime Minister's most important political speech of the year, The Straits Times spoke to seven Singaporeans about their hopes and their…