The world and Singapore, post September 15
Associate Professor Annie Koh's interview on the global financial crisis with the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry magazine.
SMU duo make it twice in a row
Anirban Gupta and Bhavya Khanna from the Lee Kong Chian School of Business at SMU talk about how they won the Tata Crucible Quiz again this year.
Becoming a better leader
Corporate crises put a lot of mental stress on CEOs. [SMU Vice Provost (Research, Graduate Studies & Faculty) and Professor of Psychology] David…
Exchange focus: Singapore Management University
The University of Tulsa (TU) has signed a reciprocal exchange agreement with Singapore Management University where TU students would have the option…
Varsity endowment funds weather market storm
SMU chief investment officer Teo Jwee Liang said that given SMU's well-diversified portfolio, he was confident the university can ride the current…
Year in Review: 2008 ? A look back at the ?gloomy' year
For Assistant Professor of Law Eugene Tan, 2008 has been a long and trying year and will be remembered ?as the year of a rude landing after the highs…
code::XtremeApps:: 2008
Held from 19-20 July at the Singapore Management University, the team ? Law Cheuk To, Ng Junyang and Lim Hang Loon ? from SMU took third prize in the…
Singapore's bankers go back to school
?I believe that the profile of banking has changed after this crisis, the whole business has to be reviewed and understood,? said Associate Professor…
Grads face up to fading job prospects
SMU director of career services Ruth Chiang and SMU MBA programme director Doris Sohmen-Pao cautions that students may not receive multiple job…
Outlook Ahead: 2009
The gloom-and-doom scenario is overdone with regards to Singapore , and the city state is in fact in a relatively strong position to weather the…