Harvard endowment bleeds

Although the financial chaos has hit Singapore's three university endowment funds, the schools say their students and programmes will not suffer.


SMU has been grooming future students to give from day one and this past June, half of the graduating class donated to the scholarship fund.

'Dear Government, here's my opinion'

SMU law professor Eugene Tan said it is arguable if civil servants, writing in their personal capacities, can add value to debates. ?So the impetus…

Study data from Singapore Management University update understanding of conflict resolution

Assistant Professor of Economics Massimiliano Landi investigated the strategic rationale behind the message sent by Osama bin Laden on the eve of the…

Key accountancy panel appointed

Professor Pang Yang Hoong, dean of Singapore Management University 's School of Accountancy has been appointed to the Committee to Develop the…

Temasek sells food firm to Singapore Air unit

Associate Professor Annie Koh commented on Singapore Airport Terminal Services' (SATS) offer to acquire Singapore Food Industries, which is 70% owned…

Fewer jobs for S'pore undergrads

Ms Doris Sohmen-Pao, director of SMU's MBA programme, commented that the tough job market can be a catalyst to more unconventional career paths which…

Structured Products

Assistant Professor Tan Chong Hui gave a 101 on structured products and their constituent instruments.

Year in Review: 2008 ? A look back at the ?gloomy' year

For Assistant Professor of Law Eugene Tan, 2008 has been a long and trying year and will be remembered ?as the year of a rude landing after the highs…

code::XtremeApps:: 2008

Held from 19-20 July at the Singapore Management University, the team ? Law Cheuk To, Ng Junyang and Lim Hang Loon ? from SMU took third prize in the…