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Energy Management Institute and the International Trading Institute at Singapore Management University announce Energy Training Partnership

[9 December 2008] Energy Management Institute and the International Trading Institute at Singapore Management University Announce Energy Training…

My learning years in jail

SMU undergraduate David Thorairajan who is in the School of Social Sciences, talks about how he turned over a new leaf while in prison. Mr Alan Goh,…

Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics hits S$17m endowment target

Despite the tough economic times, more than 60 corporations and individuals have contributed a total of S$24.76 million to the endowment fund for the…

Over S$17 million raised for the Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics at Singapore Management University

[9 December 2008] Over S$17 million raised for the Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics at Singapore Management University The Institute…

Next destination: The MBA

Felicia Yeoh, a corporate development executive who is pursuing a part-time MBA degree at SMU, said that she has been able to apply the classroom…

Jury's out on Net effect of online engagement

Ephraim Loy, a third-year social science student at SMU and Eef Gerard Van Emmerik, 20, whohas a place to read law at SMU, weigh in on how…

They soldier on

SMU business management student Amrita Singh, 21, who is going on a trip to set up a children's library in Punjab, India, said that this was a good…

Harvard endowment bleeds

Although the financial chaos has hit Singapore's three university endowment funds, the schools say their students and programmes will not suffer.


SMU has been grooming future students to give from day one and this past June, half of the graduating class donated to the scholarship fund.

Back to school: Training ground for a new breed

For two weeks every year, SMU's wealth management master's students go to Switzerland to immerse themselves in Swiss-style private banking in a…