Significance of Mumbai attacks on Singapore

The rampage in Mumbai reminded Singaporeans the stark reality of terrorism facing the world. SMU law professor Eugene Tan shares his view on the…

More taking post-grad courses

Mr Chong Wei Nurn, 25, a master's student at Singapore Management University, said he had originally applied for a master's degree as an ?alternative…

Watch the F1 of the seas for free

Sailing has been Mr Vincent Tan's hobby since his freshman days at Singapore Management University. Tan, 25, who graduated recently, was thrilled to…

New SMU research institute raises $17m

The $17.2 million raised will go into an endowment fund for the Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics set up in July at SMU.

Thespian Sebastian Tan marks directorial debut with SMU students and veteran actress Margaret Chan in HONK! The Musical

[10 December 2008] Broadway Beng Thespian Sebastian Tan marks directorial debut with SMU students and veteran actress Margaret Chan in HONK! The…

$17.2m in four months

In less than six months since the Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics was set up at SMU, it has achieved its target of raising $17.2…

Back to the future

SMU Chairman Mr Ho Kwon Ping writes about the expected decline of American prominence in global events and surmises what it will mean for world…

$17m raised for SMU's economics institute

The Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics at SMU has met the targeted $17 million endowment since it was launched six months ago.

Over S$17 million raised for the Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics at Singapore Management University

More than 60 corporations and individuals have contributed a total of S$17.2 million towards the endowment fund for the Sim Kee Boon…

Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics hits S$17m endowment target

Despite the tough economic times, more than 60 corporations and individuals have contributed a total of S$24.76 million to the endowment fund for the…