Hitting the sweet spot

SMU alumnus John Cheng is the third-generation business owner of Singapore's only sugar manufacturer Cheng Yew Heng. He shares his story of how he…

Commentary: This circuit breaker is making us yearn for human interaction more

In a commentary, SMU Dean of Students and Professor of Sociology (Practice) Paulin Straughan discussed the changes after the Covid-19 pandemic comes…

The Covid-19 pandemic and the imminent legal epidemic

In a commentary, SMU Dean of Law Professor Goh Yihan and VK Rajah, a former Supreme Court judge of appeal and former attorney-general of Singapore…

SMU sets up $2.5m Covid-19 fund for students

SMU students who are facing financial hardship can find some relief from a new $2.5 million fund. The University yesterday [May 4] announced an SMU…

A questioning of inequities: The legacy of Covid-19

In a commentary, SMU Chairman and Executive Chairman of Banyan Tree Holdings Mr Ho Kwon Ping discussed how the world will change when the Covid-19…

Government initiatives may dovetail with companies' sustainability reporting

In a commentary, Associate Director of SMU’s Centre for Management Practice Lim Wee Kiat, together with Cecilia Tortajada from the Lee Kuan Yew…

Customers keen to try out new digital banks

A survey conducted by the SMU Institute of Service Excellence revealed that 43.3 per cent of current banking customers are willing to try the new…

Online channels and self-ordering kiosks becoming popular

An interesting finding of the annual Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore study is that consumers here are increasingly taking to online channels…

Singapore consumer satisfaction at record high

A new survey by SMU's Institute of Service Excellence (ISE) revealed that the national score in the 2019 Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore (…

Time for Singapore to address some uncomfortable questions on its migrant workers

In a commentary, SMU Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan discussed the need for Singapore to address some uncomfortable questions on migrant…