SMU students go beyond community service requirement, serves 140 hours on average

SMU marked the 16th anniversary of its founding on its annual Patron’s Day last Friday, with SMU’s Patron, President Tony Tan Keng Yam gracing the…

Lessons from Germany's 'Hidden Champions'

In a commentary, SMU Academic Director (MSc in Innovation) and Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Human Resources (Education) Thomas Menkhoff…

Team TriSAS wins SAS-SMU Analytics Competition

Team TriSAS has emerged as the champion, winning against five other finalists, at this year's SAS-SMU Analytics Competition, the software company…

Two homegrown startups bag venture-capital funding from overseas

Teabox, a specialty tea company founded by SMU alumnus Kaushal Dugar announced yesterday that it has raised venture-capital funding from abroad, in a…

Taking sport climbing to greater heights

SMU Climb Team organised a competition called Gravical 2016 at Marina Bay Event Square.  The annual event, which first started in 2007, has attracted…

SMU to offer course on politics, law & economics

From August this year, SMU will offer its undergraduates PLE - politics, law and economics. In an exclusive interview, SMU Provost Professor Lily…

He’s betting on India

SMU Office of Postgraduate Professional Programmes Senior Associate Director S N Venkat conducted an interview with Dr Anil Gupta, who is one of five…

The first day of the international conference on multiculturalism in the workplace at Singapore Management University (SMU) comes to a close. What were the main talking points?

SMU has created an international conference to discuss multiculturalism in the workplace, as well as other issues that arise from having a diverse…

Chances of weaker Singdollar policy on the rise amid increased volatility

The article cited the research findings of the latest quarterly survey for Singapore Index of Inflation Expectations (SInDEx), published by SMU. The…

No U-turn needed on the elected presidency

SMU Associate Professor of Law Eugene Tan cited the commentary "Let's talk about policy failures and the elected presidency" by Professor Kishore…