Is S'pore ready to go cashless with NIRP?

In a commentary, SMU Sim Kee Boon Institute for Financial Economics' research fellow Xie Taojun discussed the issue of a cashless society and its…

Mastering strategic management in a virtual world, SMU LKCSB builds students’ coping skills through computer game

SMU Centre for Teaching Excellence has developed a computer game, "Co-Founders of the North" for the Lee Kong Chian School of Business, to enable…

SMU team wins global law competition again

SMU has become the first university to win the Price Media Law Moot Court Competition twice. The competition, organised by Oxford University which is…

SMU receives donation from Dr Tahir and son

Dr Tahir, Founder of Indonesia’s Mayapada Group, and his son Jonathan Tahir, have contributed S$1 million to establish the Tahir SMU–UGM Management…

Meet the team from Singapore Management University, runners-up at Vis Vienna

In an email interview with Bar and Bench Online, a team of SMU students (comprising Kim Shi Yin, Ni Qian, Sean Sim, Jeremy Tan, Tiffany Tseng,…

More university students investing

SMU students were featured in a Lianhe ZaoBao column, which highlighted the different investment clubs and associations of the various local…

SMU-DHL collaboration yields unconventional solutions in sustainable logistics

SMU's Green Transformation Lab (GTL) was highlighted as a successful example of industry-academic cooperation. Set up jointly with DHL, it has worked…

Should schools enforce community work?

In an article which discussed whether schools should enforce community work, it was highlighted that SMU has made community work a requirement for…

SMU team wins NUS-SGX stock-pitch competition

A team of four SMU undergraduates has won a nationwide stock-pitching competition organised by the NUS Investment Society. The team, Prime Capital -…

Lesson in empathy for SMU students

SMU School of Social Sciences Assistant Professor of Asian Studies Hoon Chang Yau and SMU Office of Global Learning Assistant Director (Diversity and…