NUS named top Asian university for third straight year; NTU at No. 3

SMU entered the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) rankings for Asian universities for the first time in 60th place. NUS has kept the top spot while NTU moved…

Renovation boss wishes he'd started even earlier

SMU School of Accountancy alumnus Shane Ng was featured in an article where he shared the challenges he faced during the initial phases of his…

Need we fear a tech bubble?

In a commentary, SMU Lee Kong Chian School of Business undergraduate Chua Zong You said that while the current technology boom might be different…

Quality of degree matters more

ST-SMU Future of Education: In the third of a four-part series on the future of education, social economist Phillip Brown cautioned that a university…

Find your own meaning in life

In an invited commentary, SMU Behavioural Sciences Institute Director Professor David Chan discussed how the realisation that life is fragile makes…

Investing savings via hard work

SMU School of Economics final year undergraduate Seow Chin Juen was featured in an article where he shared his investment plans, investing strategy,…

The Internet Defender

Visiting Professor at SMU School of Information Systems Virgil Gligor is leading the fight against online troublemakers, notably in the area of…

Playing Fast and Furious In The Stock Market

In his recent research on the role of high frequency traders and short sellers, SMU Lee Kong Chian School of Business Professor of Finance Ekkehart…

Wealth management at the bottom of the pyramid

In a commentary, SMU Lee Kong Chian School of Business Professor of Quantitative Finance (Practice) and Ms Xu Jie, Deputy General Manager of Noah (…

ASEAN Economic Community 'not an abstract concept'

In a special feature, SMU Professor of Law Locknie Hsu noted that businesses will benefit from concrete improvements in the rule of law. Prof Hsu,…