S'pore's tertiary bodies revamp courses to meet needs of future economy

Local institutes of higher learning (IHLs) appear to be ramping up their game in enhancing programmes to meet the needs of Singapore's future economy…

Shanti's career boost from SMU

National sprinter Shanti Pereira was named the first recipient of the SMU's Yip Pin Xiu Scholarship yesterday. The new bond-free bursary, launched…

Stock pitch perfect

A team from SMU emerged the winner of a stock pitch competition among tertiary institutions. The SMU team made a pitch on Singtel in the competition…

Disruptive change and the Singapore dilemma

The future of work, universities and the economy was discussed on Saturday (March 25) at The Straits Times Education Forum 2017, which was organised…

Technology kills jobs? It can also create interesting ones

SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer was a panellist at The Straits Times (ST) Education Forum 2017. He noted that the rise of technology and…

Call for more course flexibility at varsity level

SMU Board of Trustees Chairman Mr Ho Kwon Ping was the keynote speaker and a panellist at The Straits Times (ST) Education Forum 2017. He said…

How to land a job in Google

ST-SMU Education Forum: In the third of a four-part series on the future of work, Google’s vice-president for staffing and operations Sunil Chandra…

Government funds 3 labs to help develop Singapore into a smart nation

SMU Centre for Applied Socio-Physical Analytics (CASA) is one of the 3 “Trans Labs” (Translational R&D for Application to Smart Nation) that the…

Learn, live and work around the world with SMU

A special feature highlighted that SMU students immerse in a holistic learning environment with 100% opportunities for global exposure. Besides the…

Kwa Geok Choo Law Library a ‘jewel in the dark’

SMU celebrated the official opening of its new School of Law building and the Kwa Geok Choo Law Library on Wednesday (Mar 15).  Speaking at the…