MOE Academies Fund Grant Award

SMU Office of Research – The Ministry of Education Academies Fund (MAF) aims to fund development and research projects that contribute to the…

Performance appraisals: Pitfalls and promises

By better understanding the performance appraisal process, organisations can develop more effective performance appraisal systems, say Professors…

NRF Joint Singapore-UK Research in Cybersecurity 2015 Grant Award

SMU Office of Research – The National Research Foundation (NRF) in Singapore, the United Kingdom (UK) Cabinet Office and the Engineering and Physical…

The Seesaw of Supply and Demand

SMU Assistant Professor Pradeep Varakantham takes on complex urban challenges by dynamically and continuously matching supply with demand.    Back to…

Soaps, Sitcoms and Self

SMU Assistant Professor Gao Yang explores how young, educated urban Chinese engage with and relate to US television shows.    Back to Research@SMU…

The Power of Knowledge

SMU Assistant Professor Hiro Saito’s research on the interaction between state and citizen reveals the profound role that experts can play in public…

MND’s Visit to SMU

SMU Office of Research – SMU hosted a visit for the Ministry of National Development (MND) and its agencies on 30 October 2015. The visit was led…

SMU Institutional Review Board Briefing to SMU Community

SMU Office of Research – SMU’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) held its second briefing of the year 2015 to the SMU community on 26 Oct. This…

Health-y Sharing of Human Data

By Yeo Pin Pin Are you dealing with sensitive data? And what is sensitive data in the first place? Dr Sarah Olesen from the Australian National…

Mapping the Laws of Singapore's Legal Universe

The SMU School of Law has published the most up-to-date picture of Singapore’s fast evolving legal system.   Back to Research@SMU Issue 31…