SMU congratulates all of our 2016 PhD graduates

By the SMU Corporate Communications team

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In 2016, 15 of our PhD students from the fields of Business, Economics and Information Systems (IS) successfully graduated with their degrees. We congratulate:

PhD in Business (Finance) Graduates

PhD in Economics Graduates

PhD in Information Systems Graduates

  • Jack HONG Jiajun
  • Jinghao KE
  • Tiecheng LENG
  • Bingqiao LI
  • Yuchen WANG
  • Liang JIANG
  • Shew Fan LIU
  • Huaxia ZENG
  • Zhiyong CHENG
  • Qiming DIAO
  • Tuan Anh HOANG
  • Jun LIU
  • Swee Won LO
  • Minghui QIU


Six PhD graduates from the Class of 2016 took their bow on Wednesday, 13 July 2016.

PhD Graduates of 2016 (left to right):

Zhiyong CHENG (IS), Jun LIU (IS), Liang JIANG (Economics), Kartik MURALIDHARAN (IS), 
Shew Fan LIU (Economics) and Swee Won LO (IS)

Since our inaugural PhD programme which began in August 2006, there have been 51 PhD graduates (please see below). Our PhD graduates have secured good placements in academia and industry in countries such as China, India, the Netherlands, Singapore, Switzerland and USA.

PhD Programme

 No. of PhD Graduates

Several Universities / Organisations

PhD in Business



  • National University of Singapore
  • Shanghai University of Finance & Economics, China
  • Sun Yat-sen University, China

PhD in Economics


  • Antalya International University, Turkey
  • Renmin University, China
  • Standard & Poor’s 500 Ratings Agency (Asia-Pacific), Singapore

PhD in Psychology


  • Government of Singapore Investment Corporation
  • Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore

PhD in Information Systems


  • Alibaba Group, China
  • Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore
  •, The Netherlands
  • Google Zurich, Switzerland
  • Huawei, China
  • Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • New York University, Abu Dhabi
  • Samsung Research America
  • TCS Innovation Labs, Bangalore, India
  • Twitter, Inc., USA
  • University of Luxembourg


“My PhD experience at the SMU School of Economics changed my life greatly, and I am so fortunate to have had this opportunity.

The programme was rigorous, and the teaching and research qualities of the professors are world-class. The faculty members are very supportive, and spend a great amount of their time mentoring, guiding and working with PhD students. Students benefit considerably from this close interaction.”


Post-Doctoral Fellow, SMU 
(PhD in Economics graduate, 2016)

 “I have been very impressed with the environment provided by the School of Information Systems (SIS). We have been able to fully focus on our study and research. SIS provides a good academic atmosphere through organising regular seminars, international conferences and cooperating with top-tier universities. This gave us many opportunities to easily contact and communicate with well-known researchers and professors in academic and industrial communities.”

Zhiyong CHENG

Research Scientist, Institute of High Performance Computing (IHPC), A*STAR
(PhD In Information Systems graduate, 2016)

Please visit the SMU PhD website to learn more about our PhD graduate placements and PhD programmes.

The SMU Office of Postgraduate Research Programmes congratulates the SMU PhD Class of 2016 and wishes them success in all their endeavours!

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Office of Research, Singapore Management University