President’s State of the University Address 2016 energises the SMU community
By the SMU Corporate Communications team

SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer made his seventh State of the University Address on 26 August 2016, re-invigorating and inspiring the University community with his call to accelerate its progress towards realising Vision 2025.

He spoke for over an hour in a rich audio-visual presentation, reviewing the many significant successes of individuals and teams over the past year as a prelude to calling for renewed efforts by the SMU community. Among the priorities he set for the year ahead were improving the quality of SMU’s undergraduate intake; being innovative in the undergraduate offering; growing the University’s postgraduate programmes in both quantity and quality; co-ordinating and integrating our portfolio of offerings in continuing education into a seamless service; continuing to enhance SMU’s research environment, funding and initiatives; raising the profile of SMU as a global city university; and engaging our alumni more effectively. In summing up, he said, “We must continue to build up with energy and confidence and leverage the diverse range of talents and expertise across our university. An excellent way to pull together our collective efforts would be through collaboration. Working collaboratively across our schools, offices, institutes and centres will enable us to get the best out of available opportunities and resources, and give our SMU community the added strength and momentum to accelerate ahead towards Vision 2025.”

The President’s message left the faculty members, staff and students feeling motivated and empowered. Associate Professor of Accounting (Practice) and Deputy Dean, Postgraduate Professional Programmes Themin Suwardy, who has been appointed Dean of Postgraduate Professional Programmes with effect from 1 October 2016, felt that the Address gave everyone a better sense of perspective and their role in the University’s collective effort. “It’s good to hear updates from other parts of the University that we normally do not interact with directly and it gives us a sense of many people doing different things to make this institution great. We have the momentum; now we need to accelerate going into our third year of progress towards Vision 2025.”

Head of the Centre for Social Responsibility, Devi, also welcomed the opportunity to learn about University developments outside her usual scope of responsibility. “Updates on research undertaken by our faculty is something that I don’t really know about. It was interesting to hear about that and the grants/fellowship they have received. I found of particular interest his update on SMU X and the interest among students for the School of Social Sciences’ new PLE academic major. It was also good to get an update on SMU’s involvement in ASEAN University Games.”

Assistant Professor of Law Chen Siyuan felt that the bigger picture provided by the President will help members of the University to work individually and collectively towards a higher standard of excellence. “There are many things going on in a University with different people having different interests, so it comes down to ownership and passion if one truly wants to be globally transcendent,” he said.

The enthusiastic audience included University leaders, faculty members, staff and students.

Chief Information Officer and Vice President, Integrated Information Technology Services Lau Kai Cheong sensed that the SMU community is positive about meeting the developments outlined by Prof De Meyer, saying, “Change is the only constant and we should be prepared for the accelerated changes coming our way. There is confidence in the journey ahead based on the accomplishments in the last few years.”

The Address was followed by a short but frank Question and Answer session.

Vanessa Lee, Manager in the Office of Research said, “President Arnoud presented his scorecard and shared his evaluation on what was done well and what can be improved. He showed how we, in our own areas, are contributing towards SMU’s overall performance, and with that, how we have been taking action to realise the vision we committed ourselves to on the whole as an organization. That, to me, was really invigorating." Angie Choo, Assistant Director, Administration, Office of Student Life added that the Address had motivated the entire audience. “The atmosphere was jubilant and audience was engaged and interested,” she said.

SMU students who attended similarly appreciated getting a broader perspective on SMU’s progress and vision. President of the SMU Ambassadorial Corps and Economics undergraduate Yash Mavani said, “SMU wants to be a test bed and thought leader for new ideas for the new generation of innovative learning and teaching… I felt energized and reassured that SMU has a strong future ahead because of the distinct goals set by the President.” School of Law undergraduate Beatrice Wee, a member of SMU’s award-winning moot teams, shared Yash’s optimism, “The address helped to inspire a sense of pride in SMU and I felt optimistic about SMU’s future.”

Vice Chairperson of SMU Challenge community service initiative and Business undergraduate Lavender Chia left the Address full of enthusiasm for the future of SMU. “I am excited for what the future has in store for us. I still have three more years in this University, and I believe that our President is devoted to our Vision 2025. With such reliable leadership and clear goals, I trust that the University will have a lot more to offer students and the SMU Community in the years to come.”

To read a summary of main points or download the full script of the President’s State of the University Address 2016 or the accompanying booklet, click here.   

Main photo: SMU President Professor Arnoud De Meyer making his State of the University Address on 26 August 2016.

(Left to right) Dean of the School of Economics Prof Bryce Hool, Dean of the Lee Kong Chian School of Business Prof Gerry George and Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programmes Tom Estad, with the event door gift held by Prof George.

Prof De Meyer discussing his Address with SMU Students Association (SMUSA) President and Business undergraduate Fu Fei and SMUSA Assets Secretary and Economics undergraduate Toshin Canute Sequeira.