Pleasant surprise for fresh grads

At the Singapore Management University (SMU), preliminary estimates show that of 820 students who graduated in May and June, two-thirds have found…

Should foreign activists fund S'pore civil groups?

Assistant Professor Eugene Tan commented that no civil society organisations would be breaking the law just because they receive foreign funding as…

Academic checks not our job: Case

SMU marketing professor Seshan Ramaswami said it was always a significant blow to an accreditation system when a member was shown to have been…

Job market not that bleak for fresh graduates

Preliminary estimates show that two-thirds of 820 SMU graduates this year have found jobs.

Investor Relations

Good corporate governance is a key investment consideration that influences share price. But how good are Singapore-listed firms in their investor…

Business: New Asian Emperors

In a review of the latest book by SMU Deputy President Professor Tan Chin Tiong, the article notes that the book covers ?fascinating ground? and is a…

It's back to school for SME execs

Under Spring Singapore's three-tier Business Leaders Initiative, 127 CEOs and executives of SMEs have enrolled for leadership and management skills…

American social activist supports Thio Li-ann

A prominent American social activist, Dr William Donohue, has entered the fray concerning Singapore law professor Thio Li-ann's decision not to teach…

Seize the day

Singapore Management University Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship director Desai Narashimhalu talks about seizing opportunities during a…

Miss World Singapore participants are on average 1.7m tall, with the tallest at 1.78m

The only university graduate among the 18 finalists is 25-year-old SMU graduate Shen Lengjun.