Exercise wage flexibility even in times of high growth: PM
The Singapore National Employers Federation will work with SMU to run Productivity Leadership seminars for CEOs.
Internal conflict in the SPP may dash their hopes to contest in a GRC
An SMU Assistant Professor Eugene Tan notes that the recent internal conflict between his wife and the Assistant Secretary-General of his party shows…
Big is not always beautiful
Annie Yap, managing director and founder of AYP Associates, a human resource consultancy, expanded on the advantages of working for an SME at a…
Stars of SHINE shine
Two SMU students David Thorairajan and Benjamin Loh won the Stars of Shine award from the National Youth Council. This is an award given to a youth…
December Rain's music is difficult? Jimmy Ye says Kit Chan asked for it
[SMU Associate Director at the Office of Student Life] Jimmy Ye and Liang Wern Fook are behind the music of the Chinese musical, December Rain, which…
Bring back religious education
Owen Yeo, 21, second-year SMU social sciences student, suggested bringing back religious education in schools, if only to give a neutral breakdown…
Student-run conference a big draw
In its second year running, Asia Investment Banking Conference is the largest student-run conference in Asia focusing on M&A and corporate…
Do attractive organisations fare better on the job market?
Many job candidates no longer examine just practical considerations, like work hours and benefits, but also whether the job can potentially…
Friends play an important part
Incoming SMU economics student Ernest Tan wrote that we should keep in close contact with our peers and be aware of what they think and feel because…
Vital steps towards a new cultural revolution
Mr Ho Kwon Ping, Chairman of SMU Board of Trustees, said in his speech at the second ISES global conference that both culture, values and mission as…