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Collaborative leadership: new perspectives in leadership development

President Arnoud De Meyer built the case on why a collaborative approach to leadership is better adapted to today's management environment and…

Women like to doll themselves up when they are ovulating

SMU Assoc Prof Norman Li's joint research has found that when women are ovulating, they not only like to dress up in sexy attire but are also more…

Heartily Volunteering To Change The World

Some 300 youth volunteer leaders from all over the world will be attending the IAVE Youth Volunteer Conference held on 21-23 January 2011 at the…

Theoretical Economics: Study data from Singapore Management University provide new insights into theoretical economics

Researchers from Singapore Management University found that an active agent who is concerned about learning the economy's dynamics and who in an…

A preliminary look at next year's elections

SMU Asst Prof Eugene Tan comments on the upcoming elections noting that bread and butter issues, including rising costs, are what Singaporeans are…

Opposition parties targeting the more influential Singaporean residing in the eastern part of Singapore

Political observers note that residents of the eastern part of Singapore make perfect targets for the opposition parties in the upcoming elections…

Coming elections, the contest is hot in the east

SMU Asst Prof Eugene Tan notes that perhaps it is because there are heavyweight ministers leading constituencies in the east that will attract the…

Companies and CSR

SMU Assoc Prof Thomas Menkhoff says there is a clear trend of companies embracing CSR. He believes that it is more than just window-dressing as the…

Teen gang incident will not affect ruling party's election chances at Bukit Panjang

SMU Asst Prof Eugene Tan notes that while there was a recent incident of teen gang attack in Bukit Panjang, he says that is unlikely to figure much…

Sell medals for money? No way, say athletes

National sailor Koh Seng Leong, a Singapore Management University student, said that an athlete must have his or her reasons for selling a medal. He…