Campaign message to chew on: OK to eat alone
NUS undergrads start Facebook campaign to tackle fear of dining solo. SMU first-year accountancy student Lee Min Ying was one of those polled who…
ACS (Independent) hits record IB scores <strong></strong>
Candidates for the International Baccalaureate examinations would need to achieve 24 points in order to apply to NUS, NTU and SMU and 38 points to…
Changes to polling districts published
Three days after the announcement that voter rolls are being updated, changes to the polling districts were released on Friday. Political observer…
Understanding children's interests and developmental needs
A workshop to learn innovative and effective ways to engage children will be held at SMU on Saturday 8 Jan 2010.
Challenging the opposition? Aljunied GRC dangles more carrots to residents through various upgrading projects
This is the second time since the last elections that the MPs of Aljunied GRC are offering carrots to their residents in the form of upgrading…
Band-aid measures will not close this gap <strong></strong>
Assistant Professor Eugene Tan writes that there is room the refine and enhance our welfare policy so that it is able to rapidly adapt to changing…
Campaign message to chew on: OK to eat alone
NUS undergrads start Facebook campaign to tackle fear of dining solo. SMU first-year accountancy student Lee Min Ying was one of those polled who…
Two MPs table motion to debate minimum wage
While minimum wage is an election issue, SMU Asst Prof Eugene Tan says the issue has been debated in parliament and Singaporeans are familiar with…
Development of Singapore's education system
Associate Professor Kirpal Singh shares his views on the education system in Singapore and how it can be developed to produce individuals that can…
Likely major change in coming elections: Shanmugam may be moved from Sembawang
SMU Asst Prof Eugene Tan says Sembawang GRC could merge with neighbouring single seat wards Nee Soon Central and Nee Soon East and Mr Shanmugam could…