Customer Satisfaction Index of S'pore down last year
Despite continued improvement in service quality, the customer satisfaction index fell from 68 in 2009 to 67.2 out of a possible 100 in 2010. Sharing…
Tuition centre for sandwich class'
Private tuition does not come cheap these days. So to help students who might not be able to afford them, SMU graduates, Mr Tay Lian Soon and Mr…
Tourism sector gets top marks
The Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore for 2010 fell 0.8 points on-year to 67.2 from its highest ever score of 68.7 back in 2007, accompanied…
Better quality, less satisfaction
The Customer Satisfaction Index scores, released by the Singapore Management University's Institute of Service Excellence (ISES), revealed that…
Locals don't dare to speak up when something's not good?
A lower complaint rate may indicate that companies are not enough in the customer engagement department. SMU Academic Director of ISES [Asst Prof (…
Singapore customer satisfaction score drops to four-year low
The Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore dropped to 67.2, its lowest level since the index was launched in 2007, one of the explanations lies in…
Tourism sector gets top marks
The Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore for 2010 fell 0.8 points on-year to 67.2 from its highest ever score of 68.7 back in 2007, accompanied…
2010 Perceived service quality improved despite drop in national customer satisfaction index
Singapore, 9 February 2011 (Wednesday) The Institute of Service Excellence at the Singapore Management University (ISES) (卓越服务研究所) announces…
BMW developing 'futuristic' car keys
SMU's Institute of Innovation & Entrepreneurship director Professor Desai Arcot Narasimhalu commented that for a market leader to remain ahead of…
Varsity fee hikes and campus makeovers
A Straits Times reader writes in to questions the varsity fee hikes. He highlights NTU's campus makeover and partially equates this with the fee…